Help Fund the Online Market!
Nourishing Hope’s Online Market offers low-income Chicago residents the opportunity to order their groceries from a mobile device or computer and pick up at their convenience. This solution was the first of its kind in Chicago and offers increased access to both food and social services without sacrificing clients’ valuable time. The Online Market represents the next generation of hunger relief for hardworking people who don’t always have time to wait in line for food in a traditional pantry setting. Your donation today will help expand this important program!
With more than 4,000 volunteers, we have many volunteer opportunities for adults, children, and families!
Donate Food, Goods or Services
You can donate in-kind products and services, including food and hygiene products, vital to a person’s well-being.
Host a Food Drive
Involve your family, friends, organizations, workplace, and more to gather healthy food for full meals. It takes a community.
Fundraise for Us
Host an event that brings together your neighbors and your community to raise vital funds that will change lives.
Virtual Food Drive
Create a personal fundraising page that lets you raise money from around the world. An easy way to have a huge impact.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Your company can raise money and volunteer for a good cause, earning valuable publicity while making our communities better.
Nourishing Hope Merchandise
Show off your community spirit and encourage others to participate with your Nourishing Hope shirt, beanies, coffee mug, and so much more.
“I first became interested in Nourishing Hope after I retired and was looking for a volunteering opportunity to give back to the community. During this time I saw firsthand the real need for this service. Unfortunately, arthritis and a bad back forced me to step back from the physical work, but I have been happy to continue with my financial support. Congratulations to Nourishing Hope on their 50 years of service!”
Jo Clark
Nourishing Hope Donor
Honoring the Donors Who Foster our Mission
Nourishing Hope never sells or trades any donor information to businesses or other nonprofit organizations. Our Donor Bill of Rights defines our promises to you as a financial supporter.
“Nourishing Hope has changed our lives. Thanks to the Pantry, we have healthy, colorful food every night for dinner and my kids have snacks to bring to school. I don’t have to worry about what we will eat tomorrow, because Nourishing Hope is there to help.”