Marissa Downs


Originally from Dallas, Texas, I moved to Chicago in the fall of 2005 to attend law school at Northwestern. I am now a principal attorney at Much Shelist, P.C. where I am a member of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution practice group. I first became involved with Nourishing Hope in November 2011 when I volunteered one night, helping to stock shelves and sort food. At the time, I lived in Lakeview and was surprised to learn that 1 in 9 North Side residents were “food insecure,” meaning they did not know where their next meal was going to come from. I was inspired to continue volunteering on an annual basis until, in January 2015, I was offered the opportunity to join the Pantry’s Young Leaders Board, a group of young professionals dedicated to supporting the Pantry’s mission through fundraising, volunteerism, and advocacy outreach. My connection to the Pantry and its mission deepened from that point on. After serving as president of the YLB from 2016-2017, I was thrilled to be invited to serve on the Pantry’s Board of Directors.

I am committed to Pantry and all that it has achieved. As Chicago’s largest food pantry both in terms of pounds of food and clients served, Nourishing Hope serves as a shining example to the entire Chicago community in a way that truly transcends neighborhood. I am proud to be affiliated with such an organization.

Nourishing Hope Exists Because of the Support of Our Neighbors.

Providing the equivalent of 4.5 million meals each year, plus thousands of mental wellness and social services that empower healthy lives, Nourishing Hope strives to create a city where all people have the resources needed for a dignified life. Join us today!

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