In the past two years, the perfect storm of soaring food prices and diminished federal assistance resulted in tens of thousands of our Chicago neighbors experiencing food insecurity. We served more people in fiscal year 2023 than we did at the height of the pandemic. Put simply, we could not have risen to the challenge without the outpouring of support from our donors, volunteers and community partners.
We are overwhelmed with gratitude. Thank you for your unwavering compassion and generosity.
You can find details on our rebrand, our new headquarters, our food programs, transformational gifts and much more in our 2022-2023 annual report.
At Nourishing Hope, we provide food for today and hope for tomorrow. We’ve done so for 53 years, in all kinds of weather, through all sorts of adversity. With your support, we’ll keep on going.
Read the 2022-2023 Annual Report