Katie Adams

(she/ella, they/elle)

[email protected]

773-525-1777 x276

Our Staff

Vanessa Garcia, MSW

Bilingual Therapist

Vanessa was born and raised in Chicago then spent most of their later life in Cicero with strong roots in their Mexican heritage. She currently holds a master’s degree in social work with a concentration in mental health from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Before joining Nourishing Hope in December of 2022, Vanessa provided therapy and advocacy to survivors of sexual and gender-based violence across Chicago. She also has ongoing experience in community outreach, organizing, and education.

Their clinical interests include trauma-informed care, somatic techniques, intergenerational healing, and working with Chicago’s BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities. Staying connected to community-based, grassroots efforts is extremely important to her and consistently informs her practice. Outside of their dog parent adventures, Vanessa enjoys taking dance classes, nature exploration, playing their instruments, and supporting local creatives at various events throughout the city.

Vanessa nació en Chicago y luego pasó la mayor parte de su vida en Cicero con fuertes raíces en su herencia Mexicana. Elle tiene una maestría en trabajo social con especialización en salud mental de la Universidad de Illinois en Chicago. Antes de unirse a Nourishing Hope en Diciembre de 2022, Vanessa proporcionó terapia a sobrevivientes de violencia sexual en Chicago. También tiene experiencia continua en el alcance, organización y educación comunitaria.

Sus intereses clínicos incluyen la atención informada sobre el trauma, las técnicas somáticas, y la curación intergeneracional. Mantenerse conectada con los esfuerzos comunitarios es muy importante para ella y siempre informa su práctica. Fuera de sus aventuras como madre de perros, a Vanessa le gusta tomar clases de baile, explorar la naturaleza, tocar sus instrumentos y apoyar a los creativos locales en varios eventos en la ciudad.

Nourishing Hope Exists Because of the Support of Our Neighbors.

Providing the equivalent of 4.5 million meals each year, plus thousands of mental wellness and social services that empower healthy lives, Nourishing Hope strives to create a city where all people have the resources needed for a dignified life. Join us today!

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